If you don't look good in makeup, you're doing it wrong. I love costume makeup. It's such a powerful creative medium. I also look great in eyeliner, so there's that.
Me on Merday before getting into the pool, Courtney's apartment September 2013. |
This picture is actually from a very sad story, the Merday photo shoot of September 2013. Epic 5 hour makeup prep followed by an hour self-directed photo shoot in Courtney's apartment building pool (magically uninterrupted). We reserved our best pics from the photo shoot to release at a later date, and the hard drive got corrupted. Apparently, money can fix this problem; I'm told. So hopefully someday, there will be random cool pictures of Courtney and I as scary mermaids posted.
Courtney & I at Glowfair 2015 |
Courtney and Evelyn are my main makeup/costume enablers, and my friend Amber in Sussex is no stranger to cosplay. I'm very happy that these kind of people are in my life! Dressing up should never be limited to Halloween.
Courtney & I at Babylon October 2014. |
I own/use one regular makeup product, liquid concealer dark circle correcter roll-on. I have allergies and a Master's degree, forgive me my vanity. I don't wear it everyday, most days I don't. If I want to look good for a reason/event, or need compensate for looking exceptionally bad (all-nighter, cold, hangover, etc...), concealer and eye drops are the best things in the universe.
#Thisisme makeup fan.
Sarah & I at Babylon November 2015 |